Outright Gift
A donation of cash, securities, art, and most gifts of real estate.
Tax Benefits: Income tax deduction for the value of the gift plus no capital gains tax due to appreciated property.
Other Benefits: Permits you to tailor your gift for WFSM’s immediate needs. Cash gifts may be pledged over a period of five years to maximize your contribution.
Life Insurance Gift
A gift of an old or a new policy with WFSM named as beneficiary and owner.
Tax Benefits: Immediate income tax deduction for gift’s value plus possible estate tax savings.
Other Benefits: Provides a way to make a significant gift with little expenditure.
Charitable Bequest
A gift you make to WFSM in your will.
Tax Benefits: Estate tax deduction for the value of your bequest to WFSM.
Other Benefits: Allows flexibility in providing for family needs first.
Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust
A trust that pays you, or those you name, a set income before WFSM receives the remainder.
Tax Benefits: Income tax savings from deduction, no capital gains tax liability, and possible estate tax savings.
Other Benefits: Provides fixed annual income for donor or other beneficiary regardless of market conditions.
Charitable Remainder Unitrust
A trust that pays you, or those you name, a variable income before WFSM receives the remainder.
Tax Benefits: Income tax savings from deduction, no capital gains tax liability, and possible estate tax savings.
Other Benefits: Provides annual income that would increase if trust value increases.
Charitable Gift Annuity
A contract in which WFSM agrees to pay back a percentage of your gift annually for your lifetime.
Tax Benefits: Immediate income tax deduction for part of gift’s value, with capital gains spread out over life expectancy.
Other Benefits: Gives you and/or another beneficiary a set income for life.
Charitable Lead Trust
A trust that pays WFSM an income for a period of years before you or your heirs receive the remainder.
Tax Benefits: Gift of estate tax savings for the value of payments made to WFSM.
Other Benefits: Allows donors to pass assets to heirs intact at a reduced cost.
For more information please contact the WCME at (608) 850-3566.
The information provided on this website is not intended as legal advice.